Monday, August 21, 2006

Speaking of greatness

Since we are on the subject of actors I like who cause distress amongst my “readership”, I must point out that Mr. James Wolcott, he of great wit and superior taste on all important matters both cultural and political, has a post today about one of my old-timey movie heros: Lee Marvin.

May I call him “the great Lee Marvin”? Is that okay? Because he really was great. And not just in one or two movies, as is the case with “the great Mickey Rourke”, but in just about everything because the great Lee Marvin was truly great. All the time.


gsdgsd13 said...

"The Great Lee Marvin" is fine. "Point Blank" is one of my favorite films ever.

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

Whoo hoo. We have consensus on the great Lee Marvin. There is hope for you people yet. :))

cityofmushrooms said...

please recall that jr mushrooms was almost called "LEE MARVIN MUSHROOMS"

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

I picked such good names for your kids, Lee Marvin, Otis Nixon. But did you listen, no. You gave them "normal" names. sigh.

cityofmushrooms said...

but look how ol' otis ended up