Tuesday, August 08, 2006

On hair and writing about hair

So because I mentioned that I didn’t see last Saturday’s Globe, a Mushroom felt compelled to send me an article therefrom. Apparently I’m not allowed to get through a weekend without getting miffed about something in the Globe.

The article in question was written by a man and involves the issue of women’s choice of hairstyles.

The question it raised for me is this: Is it a talent to be able to take a non-controversial topic and write about it in such a way that you make it controversial?

The author took two universal truths:

1) Men don’t like short hair on women; and
2) Women don’t care that men don’t like it because it is convenient, so screw you guys;

and wrote a such a snotty column that controversy had no choice but to ensue.

I must express begrudging admiration here. It’s one thing to write about polarizing subjects, but it is a whole other level of achievement to get people riled up about something that most of us acknowledge to be true.

Well done, Russell Smith, you obnoxious twit.

1 comment:

cityofmushrooms said...

so-called controversy good for readership, right?