Monday, January 19, 2009

Insert your own joke here

"Scientists have found that the pleasure women get from making love is directly linked to the size of their partner’s bank balance. They found that the wealthier a man is, the more frequently his partner has orgasms. "

I have no comment on this at all. But this next paragraph is interesting, and makes us all out to be rather beastly.

"The study fits into a wider body of research known as evolutionary psychology which suggests that both men and women are genetically predisposed to ruthlessly exploit each other to achieve the best chances of survival for their genes." (Times of London)

There's nothing like ruthless exploitation on a cold winter night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad this report came out before Valentine's Day...hope everyone is able to exploit their mate this year. But then let's face it, V Day has always been about the following: Candy, Flowers, and Jewelry for her....BJ for him (not to be confused with the one he will get on his Birthday, as well.)

JAW fan