Monday, August 27, 2007

Madame Bovary (suite)

On page 130. I’m still liking it a lot, but I haven’t found much time to read.

Emma had a baby who she has dumped on the wet nurse for a few weeks. Ho hum. She wanted a boy, but had a girl. Bummer for her.

Charles took Emma to a fancy high-society do, and now she wants that life 24/7. But she can’t have it. Ennui abounds.

Everyone in their little town is a freakin’ drag.

Leon has arrived on the scene. He’s hanging around Emma and mooning a lot. He’s bored, she’s bored. What Emma needs is an anti-depressant, but instead I can see their illicit affair barrelling towards us at 100 mph.

The townspeople are already whispering.

I’m not impressed by Leon but maybe I’m too picky. He seems a bit of a dweeb. But Emma figures he’s here and he’s got a wang so what the heck.


cityofmushrooms said...

ah, throwing down the "wang" gauntlet, are ye?

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

I like to think of this blog as "wang friendly" is Emma, incidentally.