Friday, August 03, 2007

A Day Off

It's probably the hottest day of the year so far, and here I am at home with no air conditioning.
At least I have a fan.

I brought Miss Hitler to the groomer for de-matting. Let's see if she comes back nicely brushed out or totally shaved. Shaved is not a good look for any cat, but if that's what she needs so be it.

I'm trying to determine if the boys have realized she is gone, but so far it appears not. They're aren't dancing for joy at the loss of their nemesis, but maybe in kitty lingo they are asking where Bossy McBoss has gone.

In other errands, I dragged a big bag of change to the bank. How do coins accumulate so quickly? It drives me crazy. I had $181.50 in rolls of coins. And yet I'm not rich! Why?

I saw a French movie called Mon Meilleur Ami last night. I enjoyed it a lot. Some critics claim that Daniel Auteuil is too nice a guy to play lousy characters, but in my opinion, between this and his role in Cache, he's got the a-hole thing down pat. Though I do agree he is likeable.


cityofmushrooms said...

that's a lot of loose change...

Anonymous said...

I think you should train your cats to haul a small cart...then they can lug that change to the bank for you. Your free hands could then be used to hold a delicious lemonade or a Dairy Queen cone.

If you could trust them enough to send them to the bank for you with a note in their mouth would be even better.

Or you could do like me and always bring change with you whenever you go shopping. If something costs $10.35, I always give them the 35 cents change, thereby keeping my loose change down to a bare minimum. There are times I don't even have $1.00 in change at home.

JAW fan

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

You know what I could use right now? A Saratoga lemonade...mmm
Obscenely overpriced and worth every scrounged american penny.

Anonymous said...

I myself will have one of those lovely Saratoga lemondades in a week and a half. If you and JAW fan took a notion to travel the short distance and go as well you could (a) have one of those lemonades and (b) pay for your trip by winning money.

That is what is known as a "win/win, place and show" situation