Thursday, July 26, 2007

What the ???

I guess I should say something about the new study that reports if your friends are obese, you are probably obese too. But if your friends are thin, you probably are too.

This manages to be both obvious and ridiculous at the same time. I think it’s silly to ignore genetic predisposition. I think if both your parents are obese, you can hang out with Twiggy all day long but you’re still going to be fat. It’s in your genes.

On the other hand, if you are athletic and your friends are the people you play on sports teams with and see at the gym, then no surprise that you will be trim and so are your friends.

What if your family members are all food-obsessed and fat, but your friends are thin? Or vice versa? And who on earth has all their friends in the same weight category?

What if half your friends are toothpicks and half your friends are obese? Will you be just right?

I gotta go make friends with all the skinny people in the neighbourhood. Their skinniness will rub off on me apparently. Right.


cityofmushrooms said...

can you say slow news day?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but having skinny friends does nothing but make you feel bad about being heavy. One of my good friends was a Hooter girl, and not just the waitressing kind. She placed top ten in the nation in the bikini contest, modeled, even had cardboard cutouts of herself... and I never lost a pound. What crap!