Monday, July 02, 2007


On this blog we are nothing if not on the cutting edge of scientific discovery.

Case in point: last Tuesday, almost a full week ago, we discussed the lipo-dissolver and came up with the brilliant innovation of using sucked out abdominal fat to enlarge another body part, i.e. the "wang".

In today’s paper, there is this item:
Washington. Researchers have figured out how to remove fat from one part of the body and make it grow in another part...One researcher is quoted thus: "You could take the fat from your buttocks and put it in your breasts and cheeks".

I may sue.

Sure, they use breasts and cheeks as examples, but one need only see a few erectile disfunction commercials on American television to know that there is serious money to be made in medical research in the field of wang improvement.


Anonymous said...

...for some reason, I now have the words "fatty wang" in my head.

Sounds like a Harveyporn name, if you ask me.

JAW fan

cityofmushrooms said...

wherefore art thou, harveyporn?

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

Sounds like a character in a Hong Kong comedy to me.

cityofmushrooms said...

heh, heh