Sunday, July 23, 2006


Downtown over the weekend, I noticed several cars with Lebanese flags on them. Whether it's for World Cup or war, it's fun to put a little flag on your car! The day I see a Hezbollah flag on a car, I'll know this trend has really arrived.

Haven't more people been killed in Iraq in the past week than in Lebanon and Israel? I believe so. But the media don't cover it. I get the feeling they were just so sick and tired of reporting from Iraq that they are thrilled to report on different bombing and killing.

The death toll from the Indonesian tsunami is now over 660. Does anybody hear anything about this?

Two more Canadians killed in Afghanistan over the weekend. Sigh.

It was such a beautiful (and peaceful) Sunday here today. Seems so unfair to the rest of the world. What did we do to deserve this? Life on earth is a lottery. You win by being born in the right place. We won by being born in the West. So why don't I feel better about this?


Anonymous said...

Dear me, you do have the guilts today Nanuk!!! Lets face it, another car bomb in Iraq is hardly a new story, sadly neither is a tsunami in Indonesia.

I do wonder about all that coverage in the Middle East - I think there are more journos than soldiers - did I really count 14 CNN journos there? Really.....!

Yes, it is lucky we were born where we were - lucky that my ancestors hopped on a boat (from the UK) for Oz all those years ago and not somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.