Sunday, July 30, 2006

Mmmm, Celebrity Gossip

When the world is filled with doom and gloom and tragedy, there are four words always guaranteed to cheer me up: Mel Gibson, Drunken Tirade.

Due to some lapse in judgement, I skipped this story when I first saw the headlines. I saw Mel Gibson Arrest for DUI, and I remembered that yeah, Mel had or has had a drinking problem forever, so he fell off the wagon. Big deal. It just didn't strike me as interesting.

But tonight on CBC they got into the details of Mel's abusive, anti-Semitic rantings, and I thought wow, how could I have missed this.

Not to worry. I'm sure Mel's dad, that noted holocaust denier, will clear this all up.


Anonymous said...

Mel's Dad is indeed well known for having those appalling attitudes. He's more famous here for winning TV quizzes, can you believe (before the son became famous). Clearly the alcohol enabled Mel to tell us all what he really thinks!

I can guarantee that in our media stories Mel will cease to be an Australian actor (he was born in the USA afterall) and become an American actor - we do try to fling the difficult ones - Russell Crowe becomes a 'New Zealand born actor' when he misbehaves!!!

cityofmushrooms said...

mr mel is looking a lot like an old testament prophet these days --at least in the press photo I saw over the weekend

Anonymous said...

Would he have gone into rehab if he hadn't been caught? I don't think so! He hides away, the storm blows over.