Sunday, July 30, 2006

My Latest War Analysis

Israel can't win, and I think they realize it. Their goal of destroying Hezbollah was too ambitious. I just saw a headline in the Jerusalem Post that the army needs 10 to 14 more days to complete its mission. If they think they will be done with it in 2 weeks, then clearly they have changed their objectives 'cause everybody knows they cannot finish off Hezbollah in that time. If ever.

I guess the new goal is creating a buffer zone, or pushing the enemy back far enough to make their rockets useless? That's the most they can achieve, I'm guessing.

So if the pattern is this:
1) Hezbollah launches rockets from within populated areas, inviting retaliation
2) Israeli army retaliates, killing innocent civilians in the process
3) Israeli government apologizes
Repeat Steps 1 through 3.

Nothing is achieved, except Hezbollah gets more support, while world opinion sinks Israel even lower. What a waste of time. And lives.

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