Sunday, May 10, 2009

On the teevee

The TV commercial I can’t stand these days is for a bank credit card, the one where two women are grocery shopping, and one says: what did you get, like, 2 dollars? And the smart-ass other one says: Yeah! What did you get? What a beeotch (as the kids say today). Let me attest that in English and French, although they are two different actresses, this nasty woman is equally annoying. I just want to smack her superior smug face. In either official language.

On the other hand, the commercial I absolutely completely lurve is for some kind of toilet paper, and it has the cutest dog in the world getting pampered at a spa. It is so far off the cute-o-meter, it makes me go awwwwh every time. There are two separate spots with little pampered pooch and they are equally heart-melting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think my all time favorite is the old mop at the doorway and "baby come back" playing. They should run that one forever.