Wednesday, May 06, 2009


We had an hour-long presentation on the non-swine flu yesterday. Of the whole briefing, I retained only one important fact:

No unnecessary handshaking or kissing.

On a related note, my colleague and I had a similar thought this morning. If the current strain of the virus is mild in Canada, and the strain that is expected to sweep through in the autumn is likely to be more virulent, why not infect us now with the mild version so that we will all be immune come autumn. So instead of avoiding the flu now, we should be seeking it out.

I vote for lots of completely unnecessary handshaking and kissing.


Anonymous said...

I've had it with flu talk...yes, indeed!
There should be signs everywhere, and they should read:
"If you don't want to catch H1N1,
Then blow your brains out with a gun."
That way this fall you won't get sick of it.
And the world will be rid of one more idiot.

JAW fan

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

I'll file that one under Hostility.

cityofmushrooms said...

I'm glad you're not calling it swine flu: most offensive to young miss mushrooms, teen version