Friday, December 28, 2007

My last day

It's my last day at work for...I dunno... two weeks, six weeks? Feels a bit surreal.

It will be really weird if the surgery turns out to be a traditional incision job and I'm at home for six weeks. Let's hope that is not the case. Not that I wouldn't love to be off work for a good part of the winter, but I don't want the pain, immobility and incapacitation that would come with a long recovery. Just two weeks following a quickie laparoscopy will be A-okay with me. I'm looking forward to the pain killers. I wanna press the button on that morphine drip. heh heh.


Anonymous said...

Sending happy thoughts to you from way over here. Hope it all goes well Nanuk.

cityofmushrooms said...

you junkie-in-training, you