Wednesday, November 07, 2007

In the world of high finance

The Canadian dollar rose 1.5 cents against the US dollar yesterday, and another 2 cents this morning. It's now worth $1.10 US. This is nuts. It's all happening too fast.

Why didn't I buy gold all those years that it was $600-something an ounce? It's $845 today. I'd be rich I tells ya. Silver used to always be around $5 or $6 an ounce, now it's something like $16. Cra-zee.

And yet I remain poor.

As soon as the Chinese talk about moving dollars, no matter how few, currency traders around the world get the vapours. The Chinese have decided to dump some of their US dollars and buy Euros instead. As should we all, I think. Who am I to argue with the Chinese?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm moving to Plattasburgh...Don't know what I'll do there, but whatever it is it won't cost much!

JAW fan