Tuesday, October 17, 2006

ipod nation

Last night on the local news, they interviewed friends and neighbours of a family who were murdered here in Montreal. Actually, the mother and two daughters were shot to death by the father, who then shot himself, and is in hospital. I have no idea if he will live or die.

These things happen all too often, but that’s not what caught my attention. What I did notice was one interviewee who talked about her shock and disbelief etc. etc. while keeping the headphones of her ipod in her ears the whole time.

I speak as an ipod owner. I like my ipod and wear it almost every day. But. BUT.

How can I take a person seriously if she keeps those things in her ears during a television interview on a very serious subject. I was appalled. There’s no way to know if she even bothered to turn the thing off, or whether she expressed her horror while listening the new Justin Timberlake. And she wasn’t a teenager. I’d guess she was in her early 30s.

Take the ipod off, folks, every now and then. Is that so hard? Show a little respect for the dead.


cityofmushrooms said...

You know, I have a student who wears one of those mini-head phone things in her ear, and at first I thought it was an ipod and was going to ask her to take it out (off?). Anyway, it turns out it is attached to her translation/computer dictionary, and I assume when she punches in words, the little voice will tell her how to pronounce them. Now the little translating voice in those dictionaries is harsh-sounding and hard to understand, so sometimes I do ask her to listen to ME!! (the control freak teacher who does not have a computer generated voice) Actually, I have told students that I am their best dictionary, "teacher dictionary", I say. The ones who understand, just look at me w/cool amusement and disbelief.

But I digress.

I agree w/you that the ipod thing-y shouldn't be in a person's ears as she expresses shock and disbelief about someone's death. 30 year old whipper-snipper...

signed, cranky old broad

Anonymous said...

I used to love when I was a salesman and people shopped with their ipods.

If you're that anti-social, stay home!