Monday, September 29, 2008

Warning! national nightmare ahead


Majority movement gains speed as Harper's lead soars (Globe & Mail)

Harper's lead soars.

Somebody, awaken me from my bad dream. A Conservative majority. Yikes.

The dinosaur museums in Alberta will have to change all their signs. "These dinosaurs walked the Earth six thousand years ago, side by side with man, when God created the world in six days. And on the seventh he rested."

What am I saying? Museums? We won't have no stinkin' museums. Museums are for elitists who like "art" and stuff like that, and ordinary Canadians don't like art. So sayeth Steve-o.


cityofmushrooms said...

er, excuse me: there already IS a and-on-the-3rd-day-god-created-dinosaurs-museum somewhere in alberta AND the provincial museum invited (by mistake??) a creationist "dinosaur expert" to speak

we ALREADY are living in the end-times out here

or is that elistist of me to notice?

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

Yeah, and you're an "artist" to boot. sniff. The likes of you are not needed in Stephen Harper's Canadian Dream.

I'm going to learn how to fire a shotgun, just to fit in.

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

Are you at home? Why aren't you out attending "galas" with your pal Maggie Atwood?

Isn't that what you "artists" do all day?

cityofmushrooms said...

don't bug me: I'm trying on gowns