Friday, September 19, 2008

Tell me if I'm being too cynical

My prediction for the "November surprise":

Two days before the US election: Palin's son who is in Iraq drunkenly slips on a bar of soap in the shower and cracks open his head, requiring a few stitches.

One day before the election: Major news stories everywhere about how the brave soldier was injured in an incident, but no details yet available.

Election day: Massive sympathy vote by True Patriots for the brave Mom of the brave wounded soldier.

Result: Idiots put McCain in the White House.


cityofmushrooms said...

it's not possible to be too cynical

Anonymous said...

The same idiots that put Reagan and then Bush in the White House for two terms. Like this misguided individual.

Anonymous said...

I swear if this happens I will cry. I waited out Reagan, I waited out Bush...I deserve realtively normal leaders for a change dammit!