Friday, August 29, 2008

Barack's speech

The speech was pretty good. It didn’t have a lot of substance to it, I thought, just a lot of promises to do things that will never get done unless he has a big Dem majority in both Houses to push everything through. Can that happen? I dunno.

This morning I read some guy who described Obama as a "leftist" because he wants to tax the ultrarich. There is no such thing as a leftist in the United States. Silly.

But, man, what a beautiful speaker he is. He’s the best. After 8 years of suffering through the inarticulate babblings of a chimp who can’t string three words together coherently, don’t Americans want a President who won’t embarrass them on the world stage? Isn’t that reason enough to vote for Obama?

Best name for McCain I read today: Grampy McPlanecrasher. Heh heh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've only read a text of the speech - lots of rhetoric and cheesy stuff, but it did occur to me that if he pulls off all the stuff in that speech, it will be some achievement.