Wednesday, August 06, 2008

American Chip News

While in the USA, I picked up two bags of chips for nostalgia's sake. They are Wise. Or rather they were Wise since they didn't last too long in my house.

I got one bag of plain Wise because that is what we used to get on the shore in New Hampshire when I was a kid, so plain Wise are a must. I also picked up a bag of Wise Onion and Garlic flavoured chips. Those did not last long. They were really yummy.

I'm paying for all my foodie vacation sins by putting in extra hours at the gym this week. There's always a price to be paid for these indulgences.

In loosely related news, I'm watching Season One of Mad Men on the CTV web site since they stopped showing it on actual t.v. The other night, my girl Peggy had a date with a guy who had a delivery truck for Wise potato chips. Their date didn't work out, and I was angry at Peggy for messing up with this clearly top-notch man. He had a Wise run, for heaven's sake. What more do you want, Peggy? So he didn't like Manhattan. Who cares?! He had a Wise run!!

I wonder if our high school friend Mike still has his chip run? I should've stayed chummy with him.

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