Monday, January 15, 2007

Knock, knock

Me: Who's there?
Answer: Winter!
Me: I'm not opening the door!!

(I run away screaming and hide under the bed.)

Yep, it's here. 6 weeks late but as nasty as ever. Sigh.


Anonymous said...

Knock Knock.

You: Who's there?
Answer: Your neighbour.
You: Why are you putting your snow on my lawn?
Answer: Snow belongs to everyone.

I guess he'll have to eat supper inside tonight.

JAW fan

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

You didn't finish the dialogue.

Answer: Snow belongs to everyone.
Me: Fuck you, asshole.

Anonymous said...

Hope the composter worms are indoors with kitties!

Anonymous said... that you Miss Chicken Coupons?

Nothing personal, but the idea of worms in my kitchen suddenly makes me very un-environmental.

JAW fan

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

If I had a composter full of worms in my kitchen that would give me something nasty to fling at my stupid neighbour.

cityofmushrooms said...

the worms belong to everybody