Tuesday, January 09, 2007


The US launches an air strike against "Al Qaeda targets" in Somalia. The first US strikes there since the 1990s. And this happens the day before President Pretzel Boy's biggest speechiest speech ever announcing a troop escalation in Iraq, ' cause, well, you know, that place is full of terrorists! Al Qaeda terrorists!

Those darn Al Qaeda terrorists. They're everywhere!

What a coincidence.

Meanwhile, US troops in Iraq are engaged in some big battle against...um...Iraqi bad guys. Again, it happens to be the day before the Chimperor announces he's sending more troops to fight against...Iraqi bad guys. This just shows how much these extra troops are needed. Who can argue against that?

There's tons of bad guys out there.

You know, I thought that the US mid-term election results indicated that the American people didn't wanna do this Iraqi war thing no more. Apparently, I misread the message. The President knows better. That massive rejection of Repubicans in Congress clearly meant: more troops to Iraq!!


cityofmushrooms said...

bad move, dubya

Anonymous said...

I think we've worked out by now that Al Qaeda has become a 'tag' for all of the bad guys - it keeps it simple for the Americans - its just like a Western really - the bad guys in the black hats riding into town and the good guys in the white hats fighting them off. Really, American foreign policy is just like a Western - its just a bigger, more destructive, more expensive version of circling the wagons.

And on that subject, have you heard that instead of handing over a photo and 2 fingerprints at immigration in the US now, they're going to trial fingerprinting all 10 fingers. Are you all familiar with the expression 'shutting the gate after the horse has bolted"?

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

Susie, I don't know about immigration but around here lots of people are in a passport panic because for the first time ever, all Canadians will have to present their passport when entering to the US, at least by plane. I think it may be true by land as well, but I don't want to spread disinformation. I'm not sure when the precise date is for this law, but I believe it is this month and lots of people who've never had a passport are now forced to get one.

Re US foreign policy, I know I should watch Bush's speech tonight, but I wince just thinking about it. I don't know how long I can last.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to watch the damn speech cause I don't have cable and there will be nothing else on. But (I HATE to say this) I agree with sending more troops. How long have the commanders on the ground been saying that they're badly needed? I don't think it will happen though, because there are too many people desperate for a White House bid and so they will vote against it, no matter that it's the right thing to do.
And yes, we are tired of the war in Iraq, but if more troops are needed to win (and don't ask me what "win" means, cause I don't know- maybe it means leaving a stable enough Iraqi police and military force behind so that the Iraqis can have some sense of peace and normalcy again) then I say send them on. I just don't think Dems like Obama and Clinton and Reps like McCain will take a chance on having to answer for it later on.

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

I have to disagree with you, Anne, simply because I think the whole thing is already lost. It's unwinnable and, in my opinion, Bush is sending more soldiers to die just because he's incapable of admitting a mistake, any mistake.

God, I hate him.

Anonymous said...

Well, at least we agree on something!

Anonymous said...

I had heard the passport thing - I read a story here about how the Canadian public service couldn't keep up with all the passport processing. The last Canadians I spoke to awhile back couldn't believe we had to hand over photos and fingerprints as well.

I'm so fed up with Bush, and the acquiesences of our goverment over all this, I can't say anymore....