Friday, January 19, 2007

Fidel Death Watch: Day 4

Perhaps I was a bit hasty. Looks like he ain't going nowhere.

The medical world’s attention is focused on Fidel’s backside. What fun. Apparently, Fidel didn’t want a colostomy bag. Well, who can blame him. So he’s got some kind of artificial anus. Whatever.

It’s not every day that a news story brings to mind an amusing anal anecdote, but hey it’s Friday, and I’m not working hard, so here goes:

When my mother sold her house, she had a really wacky funny real estate agent named Jacques. He was a youngish guy in his 40s, but had had cancer and had a colostomy bag. But just prior to the closing on the house, he underwent a surgical procedure to remove the bag and “install” a new artificial anus. I kid you not.

So, the day of the closing, I’m sitting in the notary’s office with my mom and the purchaser and the notary, and we’re all waiting for Jacques.

He bursts into the room, and announces “Hey everybody, I’ve got a new rectum!”

You couldn’t help but laugh.

I think the odds of a similar thing ever occurring again are nil.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know you could get a new rectum, and I hope that info never comes in handy.

Anonymous said...

Me too......

Now Chavez has come out and said Fidel is recovering - he's been recovering for months! You know, we'll wake up one morning to discover he's gone and we won't be the least surprised.