Saturday, January 27, 2007

I want your pity

I'm sick at home with sniffles, watery eyes, volcanic coughs, squeaky bronchial wheeziness, and general miserableness. Boo hoo. Poor me.

In other news, blogger forced me over to the "new" blogger yesterday, so I don't know if this will affect how comments are posted. I don't think it should. At some point, I'll have to investigate what is new and improved about this so-called new and improved blogger. sigh.


Anonymous said...

So now you can catch up with all that reading you never get round to......get well soon. Seeing as I don't have a google account, I'll have to stay as an "Other" blogger.

Jason Stockl said...

Hope you get better soon. New Blogger is actually cool. Try "labelling" your posts (at the bottom of the "new post" interface)

cityofmushrooms said...

death to new blogger...
(from the home commenting outlaw)