Monday, May 05, 2008

Today in coffin news

SOUTH CHICAGO HEIGHTS, Ill. — Bill Bramanti will love Pabst Blue Ribbon eternally, and he's got the custom-made beer-can casket to prove it. (The Globe & Mail)

Note to my executor: At the risk of stating the obvious, my urn should be Pringles can. Sour Cream 'n' Onion, if available. Cheez'ums also acceptable in a pinch.


Anonymous said...

As per a conversation we had last week, will this Pringle tin carrying your ashes still be sitting atop a horse-drawn carriage, with a tophat-bearing chauffeur???


Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

Of course, while mourners line the rain-swept streets, beating their breasts. And old Italian grandmas in black throw themselves on the muddy grave, screaming "why, Lord, why???"

Anonymous said...

I'm just trying to imagine what the aliens on The Simpsons would think, looking down at this hulabaloo over a tin of Pringles.

JAW fan