Monday, May 26, 2008

Sayonara, Max

I loves me a political resignation.

Today I was browsing Le Devoir’s web site (instead of working, I admit) and they had an "expose" of Julie Coulliard, the Foreign Minister’s ex-squeeze. I thought I’d have to clean my computer because this woman is dirrrty. We already knew about her relationships with Hell’s Angels guys, but this was about her further business dealings with underworld people, her bogus "airport security" business which she has no expertise in at all, the suicide of her ex-business partner, her questioning by police in a murder investigation, etc. Bad news. Ugly news.

And tonight, surprise surprise, Maxime the Foreign Minister is gone, baby, gone.

What an idiot. Maxime has no judgement. There is no way this guy should’ve been holding the highest level security post in the Government. Now what? He left confidential documents in her apartment? Argh. Afghanistan? Who cares about Afghanistan, I have a dangerously hot girlfriend!

No wonder he’s gone. Though I’m no fan of Stevie Harper’s I’ve got to say that at least I know he’s a serious adult, and that he thinks with his brain and not with his wang.

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