Monday, September 03, 2007

Nary a Thought for Jerry

Here it is the end of the Labour Day Weekend, and it didn't even cross my mind to see if any local station was carrying the Jerry Lewis Telethon. I am slipping big time.

It sure was a spectacular weekend here. Weather was so perfect, so beautiful it was almost enough to make me forget this spells the End Of Summer. O doom. It's supposed to be a warm week ahead, though, so let's try to stretch it out a wee bit longer.

A number of people were killed in camping explosions this weekend. I blame terrorists. Propane terrorists.


Anonymous said...

I flipped it on a few times during the day. All I saw were clips of Jerry from past telethons, like when he came out in his boxer underwear to greet Frank Sinatra. Hilarious!...Don't know if he was actually there live or not this year. I didn't see Charo either, which means I didn't get to hear her say "I don't wanna be misconscrewed"

I did get to see Tom Bergeron, though...My one question: how can this guy still be on television? He's so dull.

JAW fan

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

Phew. I thought you were about to say he was hot. Dull, I can agree with. Doesn't that make him perfect for a telethon?

No Jerry meant no Ed McMahon either?