Thursday, June 05, 2008

Trousers Rolled

We are old. We got information on the demographics of our staff today.

Of the over 700 employees here, only 15 are in their 20's. 15 out of 700.

We have a mandatory retirement age of 60, but there are 33 people over 60 still working here. Does this make sense?

What happens to youthful enthusiasm and drive and innovation? I guess we say pfffft to that.

A huge chunk of people are in their 50's. Half the staff will be retiring in the next 10 years. It seems like nobody but me is alarmed about this looming mass exodus. It's like everybody is dreaming of their retirement and saying "apres moi, le deluge". Nobody cares.

What's even scarier is that one of the super-ambitious younger managers, the type that the future of the place is being built on, resigned this week. There are greener pastures for her out there. We are so screwed.

1 comment:

cityofmushrooms said...

but YOU are not in your 50's and when those oldsters go, you will be queen of the world