Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Scottish Play

On the weekend in the Holy City, we did something we’ve never done before. We went to a play.

The National Theatre of Scotland was presenting its play on the Black Watch, and the regiment’s deployment to Iraq. In the spirit of the production, I have to say it was fucking fantastic. Even my army-lovin’ nephew liked it, and he confirmed that the lingo was authentically military, i.e. literally every second word was an “f” word or a “c” word.

The staging was excellent, but the place was sweltering hot. The performances were really really athletic as these guys did a tremendous amount of running, jumping and getting blown up.

The highlight for me was a segment where one guy recites the entire 300-year history of the regiment, while the other actors carry him around and dress and undress him in the evolving uniform. It was so cool, done so fast and so smoothly, I was impressed and not just because I got to watch a Scotsman getting dressed and undressed.

Here’s the YouTube clip of the promo.

1 comment:

cityofmushrooms said...

sounds great
(tho on the promo, they were 4 and a half minutes in before they got to the pipes and drums!)