Monday, April 14, 2008

Nanukian Adventures in Medicine (A continuing series)

What a day off.

Started at the Royal Vic where I had a barium swallow x-ray with video. This is post-op follow-up to see if my guts are functioning properly. The video part is quite fun because I could see the monitor as I sipped that yummy barium beverage and watched it swirl down my esophagus in real-time with each sip and downward it went into the rest of my guts. I like video. Then came the x-ray which wasn't so fun. I was lying on a movable table and got tossed and turned and rolled around so the barium would spread all over my innards while the resident clicked away. I have been photographed from every possible angle. Call me Paris!

Then I went to the General to visit my friend who has cancer. She's in Intensive Care and has a million tubes in her and is on a respirator, so she cannot talk. It's very discouraging. But she could squeeze my hand and nod her head, so it was good to know she is alert and understands everything we say. Life sucks, though. I chatted with her mom and her sister, and then went home, counting my blessings.

Then in the p.m. I went to the Queen E to get my sprained ankle looked at since it's still hurting two and a half weeks after the fall. Looks like it's not broken, but I start physio tomorrow afternoon. I've never had physiotheraphy before. Another new adventure in medicine for me. 2008 has turned into a continuation of 2007. I'm using up more than my fair share of the national health care budget!

If there's a poem about this, it's going to be an epic....

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