Saturday, April 05, 2008

Eggs for Breakfast

Earlier this week I came across a YouTube of Gordon Ramsay preparing scrambled eggs. They looked so good, I decided to attempt to use his method this a.m. As he said in the video, nobody has time to do this on a weekday, but on the weekend, yeah.

I had to substitute margarine for butter (no butter in the house, as usual) and 1% milk for creme fraiche (obviously, no creme fraiche in the house), but despite my inferior ingredients, they turned out really yummy. Frankly, I was surprised at how different they were from my usual scrape-the-eggs-around-the-pan scrambled eggs.

I'm converted to the on-the-fire, off-the-fire, stir like crazy methodology. Like most good things, it requires more effort but it's worth it.

Why can't I apply this to the remaining 99.9% of activities in my life?

1 comment:

cityofmushrooms said...

life is short: eat butter!