Monday, March 10, 2008

In Hair News

Nobody at the office has noticed my new coiffure!

I feel like Alice Cramden.

My neurotic insecure self is thinking everyone HAS noticed, and they are all being polite and saying nothing because they hate it. But I'm sure the truth is it actually doesn't show much and nobody's paying the slightest attention.

Wallflower. :(


cityofmushrooms said...

have you tried shaking your head dramatically and batting your eyelashes?

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

No, nor have I tried posing next to a window and attempting to get a sunbeam to strike at just the right angle to produce a prism of magnificence.

Anonymous said...

...try going to someone else's computer when they're not at their desk, then send an e-mail to the entire company saying: "hey, have you seen Nanuk's new fancy hairdo,!...I'm jealous." By lunch, the word will have spread... unfortunately, the word might not be about your hairdo, but about the crazy person who's sending e-mails out about your hair. Well, at least they'll know you've had your hair done.

JAW fan