Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Fools on Parade*

This morning at the corner of Peel and St. Antoine there was a cop ticketing dumbos for blocking the intersection. My bus goes through this notorious spot every morning, and every morning there are idiots who think they can sneak across Peel, but can’t and end up gridlocking the whole joint.

So the cop pointed to a grey van, and indicated repeatedly that the van pull over. Then he pointed to a car behind the van to also pull over. Which the car did. But the van’s driver refused and just stayed in his lane crawling towards the next light.

If you think your morning is starting badly because you’re getting a gridlock ticket, do you think it’s being made better by ignoring the cop who’s trying to ticket you? I wonder what the fine is for deliberately ignoring a cop. Could you be arrested for that?

An argument could be made that the cop looked around 15 years old, but I don’t think that’s much of a defence. Your honour, I thought he was just a kid with a shiny vest that said “Police”. I didn’t think he was real.

The van just continued in its lane while the cop wrote down the license plate number. This is gonna cost a lot more than the other guy’s dumb-ass gridlock ticket.

*This is one of my father's expressions. Which I had totally forgotten about until the very instant I typed it.

1 comment:

cityofmushrooms said...

"fools on parade" is very apt

tho I've never heard of a "gridlock ticket" out here in the regions