Monday, May 01, 2006

Our Pathetic, Stupid World

This is the kind of sentence I just LOVE to read: “Many donor countries appear to have tired of the long-term conflict in Darfur…” [Reuters]

Oh you starving African people, you are so last year, we are so tired of you and your no-food problems.

The World Food Programme received only 32% of its annual appeal for Darfur. Shame on us. All of us. Everybody’s talking big plans for solving the situation in Darfur, but rich countries cannot even keep their stinkin’ lousy promises of food aid. So how seriously can we take any empty talk of doing anything at all to resolve the big crisis there, when we don’t even care enough to feed these people.

The WFP tries to supply 2000 calories per day per person and now has to cut that amount to 1000. 1000 calories a day! That’s literally a starvation diet.

When you have 10 people and you give them 2000 calories each that’s one thing. When you have the same 10 people and you give them 1000 calories each, that isn’t enough. So the 5 strongest will take what they need from the 5 weakest, and the end product is 5 people with 2000 each, and 5 people with zero. Zero = death.

There is no political will to help these people. Why won’t somebody in power admit we are doing nothing. As it stands, our response to this crisis is: Let ‘em starve.

1 comment:

cityofmushrooms said...

and just think: harper's cutting our GST so we all are getting quite a few more than 1000 or even 2000 calories a day