Wednesday, May 31, 2006

La Mundial

With 9 days to go, today's theme is: Italians!

My very complex system for picking a team is thus. Until I've seen enough of the tournament to select a team based on their play, their enthusiasm, or their spunk, I go with the best-looking of the swarthy teams. This normally means the Italians.

Alas, like good-looking men everywhere, the Italian team are inevitably disappointing.

And this year, with a German Pope, what are the odds that the Germans are going to take it all? How can they not? In the prayer hierarchy, is one German Papal prayer worth more than thousands of Italian nun prayers?

I wonder who Mel Gibson is cheering for.


Anonymous said...


cityofmushrooms said...

all will have to pray even harder to the holy mother since the beautiful boys in blue got such a rotten schedule

I am not mentioning the dreaded phrase "group of death" unlike others in my immediate family and yet the italians have to start the group stage playing 2 teams ranked ahead of them!

something's rotten in munich!

even we non-cathlocs must light a candle for the azuries

great photo, by the way

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.