Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Opie Dei

Critics at Cannes hate The Da Vinci Code. Quelle surprise.

I haven’t read the book and am not planning to see the movie, but I still think this smells of Cannes snobbery. Good luck with the Da Vinci backlash, French snobs. My fearless prediction: Like Passion of the Christ, this will be a huge hit despite critical panning.

I’m indifferent to Ron Howard’s movies, but I don’t imagine anyone in Hollywood expected him to make a film that was unusual or groundbreaking. He’s a mainstream director who makes mainstream blockbusters. How safe can you get? So I expect Da Vinci to be safe. It stars Tom Hanks, for heaven’s sake. The ultimate middle-of-the-road-everyman. Who knows, I may end up seeing it. And I don’t expect my sensibilities to be offended in any way whatsoever.

According to the US National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation*, Da Vinci will be "the 68th movie since 1960 to feature an evil albino". That weird fact alone makes me a little bit interested in seeing it. And Paul Bethany plays the evil albino and I like him a lot. So maybe…

*Yep, who knew they had an organization. The things you learn on the Internet.


cityofmushrooms said...

how did you even FIND OUT about the organization for albinism and hypopigmentation anyway???

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

Ah, so you hadn't heard of the NOAH either, eh?
I read about it at one of my favourite sites Kevin Drum's It's a US political site but every once in a while he throws in a non-political oddity.

Anonymous said...

I'm not the only one who hasn't read the book and doesn't plan to see this movie? Who knew?

I did suggest that Able Assitant take his mother to see it. Heh, I'm mean that way. I will be very busy and unable to attend. Just as I am for every Tom Cruise movie.

Anonymous said...

I haven't read it and won't be seeing the movie either - I detect a trend here!!! We all belong to a certain forum and now this! Clearly a group with excellent taste......

Did you see the story on CNN last weekend about the albino actor who has made a spoof of the Code movie? Very funny....

I'm sure the crowd at Cannes were being very snobby indeed, but there were a lot of non-French film reviewers at that screening too.

cityofmushrooms said...

didn't read it
won't see it
until it's on the movie channel and I'm folding 3 hours of laundry
but that won't be for a year or so

cityofmushrooms said...

on the other hand
just found out jean reno is in it
this changes everything

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

Ah oui. There's nothing like the Jean Reno factor to weaken our resolve.