Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A New Star in Kitty Heaven

Let us take a moment today to bid farewell to OC Kitty. The Anonymi's elder stateswoman has passed on to feline paradise.

She was 19. She was always a good old girl. So long, OC.


So, guys, there's a cute little black cat that is still driving me nuts, and really wants to be adopted...ahem...he has a home, but he needs a better one. He's really cute. Really.

Confession: He looked half-starved a couple of weeks ago, so I broke down and started feeding him. I know. I know. I'm stuck with him now. My cats hate him with a passion. But he's so cute.


Anonymous said...

so if a cute little black kitty suddenly appears on my back deck, Mr. Anon should let him in? =)

Gone but not forgotten.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Anon says: no, no, no.

I will be in mourning for, er, 5 more years, during which time we will endure being a single-cat family.

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

Somebody will appear on your doorstep or deck, and that will be that. You know it. We cat people are easy marks.

Brian Busby said...

Rest in peace, OC. Your incredibly loud purring will be missed.