Friday, October 02, 2009

Dave is a bad boy

This Letterman story is big news today. While I hate scummy cheatin' menfolk as much as the next gal does, I have to admit that if you're gonna cheat, you hafta be a man about it when you get caught.

Politicians could learn a lot from Dave. He really took the non-wimpy road on this. I'm not excusing his philandering for a minute, but this is so much more mature than "I did not have sex with that woman" or any of the stupidities of John Edwards or the goofball gov of South Carolina.

Extortion is such a weaselly crime. I think all extortionists probably look and sound like Peter Lorre. Geeeme me money or I weeel tellll.

Go ahead. And now the extortionist is in jail. This does not happen often enough.


llj said...

Yeah, hate cheaters in all forms. But there is something refreshing about one admitting it and not coming up with convoluted stories.

Susieq said...

I have to agree with you both, even though I hate cheaters too. What got me was the audience reaction - laughing along because they thought there was a punchline coming, not a real life story - I guess the punchline is the guy got caught and is in jail.

(and really, how pathetic are men???)