Wednesday, October 08, 2008

P.S. on the Debate

I've been reading commentaries, and there hasn't been much mention of what I thought was McCain's dumbest, most embarrassing moment, when he said (not a direct quote) I know where bin Laden is and I will catch him. I have a plan to catch him but I can't tell anyone what it is.

Wow. That was so pathetic. It wasn't even high school, it was elementary school.

I know, but I'm not telling you! So there! (Sticks out tongue) nyah nyah!

You'd think since he has this plan, and he loves America, he would've at least shared it with his bestest friend, Gen. Petraeus. But no, even the General, will have to wait until Old Crabby is President. What an asshole.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He knows where OBL is? How bizarre!!! Can that be classified as 'palling around with terrorists"?

Oh, and what about him calling Obama 'that one' - awful !!!! Wonder if he would have said that if he had been debating Hilary? To me, he may as well have called him 'boy'.....