Sunday, October 26, 2008

Guilty, Guilty Pleasure

Today, in my role as loyal slave, I was at Provigo buying cat food for my overlords, when I spotted US Weekly, a magazine I never, ever buy. Ever.

But the cover was all about Madonna's divorce, and I just couldn't resist. I had to have it. Look at these headlines:

They both had secret lovers!
Guy called her "old, fat, ugly, wrinkled"!
Madonna's slaps, months without sex!
On A-Rod: "It's like she spit in Guy's face" !

Relieve me of my $5.00, please.

I'm not much of a Madonna fan (forgive me, Reservoir Dogs connaisseurs). I like her okay, but I don't own a single CD of hers. But I've always respected her as a businesswoman. She's been a hugely successful rich, rich woman for 25 years, and to my knowledge, she's done it all on her own with no Rene Angelil running her life for her. If she gets shafted in this divorce, I'll be really surprised. I can't believe she doesn't have an iron-clad pre-nup. She'll find a way to turn this to her advantage. I'm sure of it.

1 comment:

cityofmushrooms said...

like a virgin, toby-wa