Friday, February 15, 2008

Winter Effing Wonderland

As I was outside, shovelling what is either (pick one):

a) Mother Nature's latest gift of fluffy white joy; or
b) Mother Nature's latest punishment for our collective sins,

the Canada Post letter-carrier came by and handed me my mail.

Today's mail consisted of a letter from the company that fertilizes my lawn. I quote "Spring is almost here and our 2008 lawn care program includes 4 visits to optimize the health of your grass."

This suggests there is grass somewhere under the snowbanks. The snowbanks which now reach shoulder-height in some places. This suggests I live in a house, with a lawn, and not an igloo on a desolate stretch of arctic tundra. This suggests that someday Spring will come. Ha!

I laughed bitterly. Oh so bitterly.


cityofmushrooms said...

you are deluded! spring will never come! winter will neva, neva ennnddd!!! mwahh hahah mwah haha haaaa

Anonymous said...

I'm detecting a trend here - its the same feeling I get in the middle of a heatwave - when will this heat ever end...

But its a mild 29 today, so I can cope with that.

Anonymous said...

This will cheer you up! Seen on CNNI this weekend - Nanuk, your Mr Ware, in Pakistan, interviewing Peter Bergen about the Pakistan elections.

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

I thought of him this week. I wondered if he was still writing his book, or whether CNN had finally fired him and he would never be heard from again.