Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Today in Health News

This may explain why many Americans are obese. They have poor role models.

From the Washington Post:
“Garfield the Cat is a poster child for cardiovascular risk. Although I have no knowledge of his family history, he is clearly obese and sedentary. I shudder to think what his blood pressure and lipid profile are, given the quality and quantity of the diet he consumes. Similarly, if he is not yet frankly diabetic, Garfield is certainly at risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus and may already exhibit impaired glucose tolerance."

Continues [the expert] "I have long suspected that Garfield suffers from clinical depression. In addition to his hypersomnolence and insatiable appetite, Garfield intermittently exhibits anhedonia [an inability to feel pleasure], apathy and mood swings."

1 comment:

cityofmushrooms said...

if garfield is indeed a cat, I'm sure he feels NOTHING BUT pleasure