Friday, September 29, 2006

Big and Little Italy

So, Nanuk is off to Italy (Lucky Dog!), and I guess if I want some Italy, I have to head off to Little Italy.

So I'm thinking about this "little" business. It's Little Italy, but China "Town". Why's that?
And just about every city in North America has a Little Italy, but what the reverse? What about a "Little Canada" (Canada Town? we already ARE a town...?) somewhere in Europe? I guess it wouldn't work since we Canuks aren't exactly emmigrating back to the old country en masse.

But if we could have a Little Canada smack in the middle of Poland or Greece, what would the people there DO? The only thing I can think of is they'd complain about the weather. Talk about a national identity.

No, wait. Not complain: BOAST. We do that best. Boast about how much weather hardship we've had to endure.

"You had 20 below? That's nuthin'. We had 30 below w/a windchill of 40, and the electricity went off and sidewalks cracked from the cold and our garage door openers wouldn't open and we had to walk to work uphill in a blizzard in our barefeet."

Now that's Canadian.
(Not that we appreciate the stereotype, mind you)

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