Monday, September 04, 2006

Return to the Book Nuk

I finished The Da Vinci Code. So that's done. Some may be disappointed to learn that in the end the Catholic Church is exonerated. Turns out they aren't the bad guys after all; there's just a duped, threatened Cardinal and his albino monk flunky. But the Church and Opus Dei turn out to be harmless. That's a bummer. The bad guy turns out to be a fanatical Grail hunter. Whoop tee doo.

The one issue raised by the book that I appreciated is the fact that history is written and controlled by the victors. This is important, and if the book led some people to question what they've read in their history books, then it's a good thing.

Today being another gloomy dull day, I've done basically nothing but started reading A Million Little Pieces, the book that dared embarrass Oprah. This is a fast read and I'm enjoying it.

The narrator is angry and to the point. Alcohol and drugs are his life and he's afraid of living any other way, even if his lifestyle is killing him. And he hates the AA method and the 12 Steps and the whole idea of putting your life into God's hands. He sneers at the whole idea. He sees AA as replacing an addiction to alcohol with an addiction to God, and he doesn't respect people who follow this path.

I'm on page 100, I've finished the first section, and I really like this guy's point of view. Now I'm living in fear that he's going to have some kind of conversion and his eyes will be opened to the goodness of the AA program and the 12 Steps. Oh please don't let the book go in that direction. I will be so disappointed if it does.

1 comment:

cityofmushrooms said...

anti-oprah world?
I think I'm like this guy...