Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Mr. Blackie gets his dream house

Crazy Cat Lady reporting in.

The Black Cat has not gone away. He is more a part of my life than ever. So much so that I have built him his very own outdoor shelter for the cold winter months, starting with tomorrow's first storm of the season.

It's lined with insulation and has a comfy flannel floor. He is effing spoiled. Here are two photos. One of the Big Red One taking the shelter-in-progress for a test drive, and then Mr. D. fighting off Big Red for the coveted space.

Yes I am insane. But Blackie will be safe and warm.


cityofmushrooms said...

Quel Kat Karma!!

Anonymous said...

It's just a matter of time before Blackie is dining on canned shrimp and chicken flakes.

JAW fan

llj said...

That's awfully nice of you and the critters too for testing out the house. But I'm pretty sure Mr. Blackie has already picked out his dream house and you were standing in it. ; )