Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Famous People R Not Us

I’m reading about the lawsuit that the Cirque du Soleil guy has launched against the guy who published the “tell-all” unauthorized bio about him. I frankly don’t care how many drug-fuelled orgies the guy hosted. But I do have one question.

Why do celebrities always attend drug-fuelled orgies? In this case, I believe both Paul McCartney and Robert DeNiro are named as attendees.

Now I personally am not famous, but I don’t want to attend any drug-fuelled orgies, and even if I was famous, I still wouldn’t want to. But is it an obligation under the rules of fame that you have to be keen on this type of thing?

Is it a case of, say, I suddenly became well-known, I would receive an invitation from Mr. Cirque, and then I’d be, like, oh well, now that I am a celebrity, I must attend drug-fuelled orgies because that’s what the famous do in their spare time.

Why does being famous appear to automatically mean that you are into multiple-sex-partner, multiple-drug parties? Can’t you just go to somebody’s mansion for a BBQ and a few beers? Are there celebrities who don’t attend these bacchanals? And, if so, are they considered L7 losers or “squares”?

And McCartney and DeNiro are in their 60s. Don’t you just get bored with it after a few decades?


Anonymous said...

Can I ask why "squares" is in quotation marks? What do you realllllly mean by it?

Anonymous said...

How about an alcohol-soaked orgy? I could get into that...providing of course the guest list is as follows:

Alec Baldwin
Nathan Fillion
Daniel Craig
Treat Williams
Bruce Willis
and, hey, why not...Chuck Woolery

JAW fan

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

"squares", daddy-o, as in "squaresville"

Anonymous said...

oh you've been to a few of our orgies, but with the drugs we used, all is forgotten. The cat did stare someone awake though once as if to ask why his spot on the fouton was occupied. Cat was apparently very unimpressed by the party guests.

Anonymous said...

Yeah...well, poor Kitty didn't have to puke up 10 Felix and Norton cookies and all the curry fondue dip (which was not as tasty coming up as it was going down!), whilst listening to Flipper singing "There Was an Old Lady"

JAW fan

(...ahh! good times)

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

I don't why she swallowed a fly...