Saturday, May 05, 2007

Nature Invades, Part Deux

Ack. At 8:00 a.m., I open the back door to head out with my laundry basket and crash! bang! Two massive groundhogs go galloping past the neighbour's back door and through their yard. Holy crap! Where did they come from? This is insane.

Not natural.

You think my tulips have a hope in hell of living more than an hour? Fat chance.

Last night, walking home around 10, I encountered a raccoon. He was casually climbing a tree. I stopped and stared at him, foolishly expecting him to run away. But did he? Nope. Just looked at me with an expression that said: Can I help you with something? and went about his business.

I don't live in a distant suburb. I live in the city. This is very unusual.

What's happened to our neighbourhood skunks, I wonder. Them, I'm used to. I wonder if they've been turfed out by the groundhogs.

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