Friday, December 05, 2008

Hockey Chivalry is Dead?

So Avery got a 6-game suspension for using the term "sloppy seconds" to describe his ex-girlfriend. Have I got that right? That is all he said, isn't it? Or is there some extra nasty stuff that never made it into the media? I think that's all he said.

Does this not seem like a weirdly exaggerated punishment for the "crime"? Or have I got an especially tough hide that I don't see the appalling insult here. Are women not referred to in worse, all the time? I think Hillary Clinton got called way worse things repeatedly during her campaign.

(Of course, my insensitivity may be a result of my rich cultural history. Not everybody has Richard'n'Willie in their background. "Good luck you skinny bitch".)

"Sloppy seconds" also reminds me of one of my favourite Gareth Keenan moments on The Office when he tells Tim he doesn't want his sloppy seconds. I love Gareth. Maybe that's why I can't take offense at that expression.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah and don't suspend the guy that uses his stick to check the other guy across the neck. I'm so savvy when it comes to hockey lingo.