Sunday, December 28, 2008

Home again, home again

In an unprecedented turn of events, the Montreal-Toronto train on 24 Dec was on time, and the Toronto-Montreal train yesterday was also on time.

Mussolini-esque? I think so.

I dunno what prompted these stunning holiday season developments but in 10-odd years of taking the train to the Holy City for Xmas, on-time trains in both directions had never occurred before.

Is this a sign of improved management at Via Rail or a sign that the apocalypse is upon us?

Also, on the way up, I had a bloody caesar in my hand when the train had barely left the station, and it was one of the tastiest beverages I've ever had anywhere, train or no train. The steward must've had bartender training. Yesterday, I had to have another, upon embarking, to taste test. It was good but it didn't match that marvelous drink on the trip up. So yummy.

Arriving home yesterday, the sidewalks were skating rinks. Stupid freezing rain. I like ice in my drinks, but not under my feet. I managed to remain upright, but it wasn't easy.


Anonymous said...

Trains on time! How novel! Back to work today and of course, the train is 10 minutes late - its bad enough having to work this time of year....

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

I'm back to work too. We are the losers of the Holiday season.

Anonymous said...

...guess that makes me loser # 3.

JAW fan

Anonymous said...

SIgh...I'm sad loser number 4....

Anonymous said...

Without wishing to brag, I should add I will be having 7 weeks off come the moment though, I feel like the rest of you - a loser.....

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

Go ahead and brag. But be warned I will not hesitate to use the opportunity come April to tease you about the BIG birthday coming up this year. So, sure, enjoy your 7 weeks off, as you face that "milestone" birthday. ha!

Anonymous said...

Oh, so its blackmail then!!!!! lol
Promise to keep bragging to a minimum.