Tuesday, May 03, 2011


Quebec is orange. That is so weird. I guess we will be hearing a lot of Jack’s mangled street French for the next few years.

Jack can have his massages in Stornoway now. That’s classier than Chinatown.

The fundamentalists out West are now going to demand their due. I’m too old to be barefoot and pregnant.

The next time JAW Fan sees Duceppe at the SAQ in his wrinkled linen trousers, he should offer to buy him a bottle of wine, seeing as how he is now unemployed.

Elizabeth May won her seat. Our only Green. Congratulations to her.

What will happen to Rex Murphy when the CBC disappears? And Evan Solomon? Who will adopt Evan?


Anonymous said...

Screw that!!!...Let Duceppe drink dépanneur wine if he can't afford the good stuff!!!

JAW fan

PS: You are never too old to be barefoot!!!...just always make sure your man's cocktail is waiting for him when he comes home. Might I add you wear a flimsy apron (and nothing else!) when serving it.

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

Sad to say, but I know FF would like that. And he's an anarchist, not a Tory. :(

cityofmushrooms said...

I'm still in shock but vive le jack
and let's all tune into cbc and read a book that isn't written by ira levant or stevie fake-tim-horton's-swilling-hockey-harper while we can