Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Why I want the job.

I’ve been in the same department for 10 years. My boss is a lovely compassionate woman, but frankly, she is a lousy manager. She has no long-term plan and simply reacts to everything. She never takes the initiative to make our department better. She would claim she is putting out fires, but I don’t believe it. She’s just not a clear-thinking manager. I’ve been bitching about this forever, and this is the reason that I think I need to apply for the job.

It’s a case of: You think you can do better??? Well, yeah, I think I can. The department needs a backbone. And I need more stimulation.

Of course, it would be quite a bit more money both in salary and into the pension pot, but that’s not the prime motivation. I make enough to live now. But I’m bored and unchallenged. And as Cartman might say: I want some authori-tie.


Anonymous said...

be careful what you wish for! Is she leaving or would you be giving her the boot? Is it worth the wrath...

Anonymous said...

should have read your last posting comments. Go for A!

Anonymous said...

More money equals more responsibilities...more responsibilities equals more time and energy...more time and energy at our age equals more tired...equals more stress...equals less time to do the things we like to do...equals crabbiness and miserableness...equals you becoming the boss to others who bitch about you behind your back.

On the flip side, am very bored with my job as well...but the new systems being introduced here in 2010 and 2011 will result in rolling heads and an upset to the applecart. Should be fun!

JAW fan

llj said...

Oh I know what you're talking about! I left a cushy job for the one I have now because I couldn't take management. Putting out fires? Bah! If they led and anticipated more there would be few if any to put out on a regular basis.

Well mentor can be a fancy term for the person you talk to about work the most who seems sensible.

Hey if boss has announced I'm all for cutthroat. Never make a secret of it unless it suits you...otherwise that gives people an excuse for passing you right on by.

Anonymous said...

as long as you're not just in it for the money (since you apparently won't get more anyway?) If you're going to play hard ball, do it all the way - demand a handsome raise!